Trinity Site
The world was forever changed on July 16th, 1945 at the Trinity Test Site. It was here at the White Sands Missile Range that the first atomic bomb was detonated and brought a quick end to the Second World War in the Pacific. Today it is a national historical site that is open to visitors just 2 days per year, (pending Army approval) in April and October. Visitors can see ground zero, the ranch house where the bomb was assembled, and one of the instruments bunkers. For more information about visiting the site go to
History of Trinity Site
You have a few different options when it comes to visiting Trinity Site. You can enter through the Stallion Gate which is off of Hwy 380 between Carrizozo and San Antonio, NM at the times specified on the White Sands Missile Range website. You can also caravan into the site, this route takes you from Tularosa, NM through the Missile Range with other travelers. To participate in the caravan you need to meet in the Athletics parking lot on the west side of the Tularosa High School off of La Luz Ave. Line up starts at 7 am and the caravan will leave promptly at 8 am. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am so that officers will have a chance to check your license and registration, and give you a pass to place in your window signifying that you are a part of the caravan. You may return to Tularosa with the caravan between 12:30 and 1 pm, or leave on your own through the Stallion Gate. Please ensure that you have a full tank of gas and bring plenty of water with you. Finally, the International Space Hall of Fame Foundation (New Mexico Museum of Space History support group) hosts a guided tour to the site in charter buses, they also provide b a sack lunch, water, and a guide tour of the museum upon return.
Find more info and register for the guided tour at
For more information about the caravan lineup New weekend itinerary coming soon!
NEW!!! The Tularosa Basin Museum of History is hosting a viewing followed by a Q&A, of the new documentary, 'Alamogordo, Center of the World, Trinity 1945' the Friday evening before each open house. Tickets are available through the museum at the corner of White Sands Blvd & 10th, 575-434-4438. The film will be shown at the historic Flickinger Center for Performing Arts (1110 New York Ave. Alamogordo, NM) in downtown Alamogordo. For more info call 575-437-2202.
Directions to Trinity Site: