World’s Largest Pistachio
1-800-368-3081 |
Alamogordo in a Nutshell
The World's Largest Pistachio was built in honor of PistachioLand's founder, Thomas McGinn. After his passing in 2008, his son, Timothy McGinn erected this 30 foot sculpture in memory of his father. Tim wanted everyone who passed by PistachioLand to take note of what his dad created, a 111 acre pistachio orchard and vineyard, started from bare desert land in 1980. From the first trees planted to today, PistachioLand now is home to over 12,000 pistachio trees and 14 acres of wine grapes, McGinn's Country Store and Arena Blanca Winery.
McGinn’s PistachioLand
Address: 7320 U.S. Hwy. 54/70 North Alamogordo, NM 88310